Impact Investment and Affordable Housing: Peter LiFari on Untold Returns Podcast


Peter LiFari- Executive Director, Unison Housing Partners on a podcast chatting with Bethany McLean on Untold Returns.

Click here to listen to the podcast:

Investment in development and preservation of affordable housing projects make a difference to the two Psprofits and people. Not only do they generate financial returns, they also create a positive impact on people’s lives.


Generating a double bottom line is only possible by bringing the cost per unit down through collaboration and information sharing among various stakeholders. Strong partnership is important for any such successful development venture, right from getting applications in to the Housing Financial Authority to apartments ready for lease up. Every affordable housing development project needs expertise, support and resources.  “We look for stable, knowledgeable and transparent partners that will work with Unison to address the inevitable challenges during a project”, says Peter LiFari.

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