Fair Housing in Action with Maiker Housing Partners

In April of 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson took one of the nation’s first steps toward housing equity by signing The Fair Housing Act into law. This landmark legislation prohibits housing discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, religion, gender identity, ability or familial status. Since its passage, April has been recognized as Fair Housing Month by affordable housing advocates and organizations across the country. 

Colorado State Capitol

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) theme for this year’s Fair Housing Month is, Fair Housing: The ‘Act’ in Action”.  Here at Maiker, we take action to facilitate fair housing by increasing access to housing options and engaging members in community building.

This April, we celebrate the actions taken to promote equitable housing — actions like the passage of House Bill 20-1132 in 2020. Championed by State Representatives Leslie Herod and Dominique Jackson and Senator Rhonda Fields, HB 20-1132 prohibits housing discrimination based on source of income and ensures that Coloradoans with housing vouchers are not denied housing because of their vouchers. 

On behalf of HUD, Maiker administers Housing Choice Vouchers for residents of Adams County. These vouchers help seniors, families with low-incomes, and people with disabilities access affordable housing. As a high performing agency, this work actively expands access to housing here in Adams County.

The Maiker team celebrates the impact House Bill 20-1132 and the Housing Choice Voucher team has on expanding access to affordable housing options here in Adams County and across Colorado. 

This Fair Housing Month, Maiker is honored to celebrate affordable housing organizations and advocates across the state and invigorate our commitment to socially conscious community development in Adams County. Through housing development and voucher distribution, Maiker demonstrates the Fair Housing Act in Action. 

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