Maiker Welcomes a New Employee Advisory Committee Chair

At Maiker, we firmly believe in creating a space where everyone belongs. This belief not only applies to our members but extends to Maikers alike. As a result, we created the Employee Advisory Committee (EAC) to create a unified front, promote cross-department collaboration, and most importantly, create a space where employees’ voices are heard. Today, we celebrate the committee’s past year’s efforts under the lead of David Kandel and welcome the beginning of a new chapter as Tierra Lopez transitions into the role of Chair of the EAC. 

“Maiker is an organization that walks the walk. When I saw an opportunity to lead the EAC, I looked at that as a great way to help those around me and be a voice for people whose voices may not be heard as much as they’d like.” Kandel explained as he reflected on what brought him to the organization. “As chair, it’s been a pleasure to work with such a knowledgeable group of people. The people at EAC care about Maiker and care about the members. They all work really hard to see success across the organization.” 

As chair of the committee, Kandel fulfilled this mission by bringing different departments together to plan, promote and execute programmatic and event efforts that serve our members and act as a liaison between Maikers and leadership.  Within his tenure, one of the most rewarding undertakings was influencing the executive team to take action on policy items discussed during the committee’s monthly meetings – a clear demonstration of how leaders and department heads take care of their employees through the EAC. 

Lopez will continue this work as the newly appointed chair beginning March 21, 2024. Just like Kandel, Lopez is transitioning into this new position after working directly with Maiker members as a community manager. This experience has given them a heightened insight into the intersection of Maikers’ and members’ needs and allows them to ensure that all parts of the Maiker ecosystem feel heard and understood. 

“I’m excited about stepping outside of my comfort zone and speaking on behalf of property operations,” said Lopez as she looks towards the year ahead. “Facilitating and advocating for community managers will be huge.” 

Having worked closely together, Kandel is looking forward to seeing Lopez take the role to new heights while continuing to collaborate. An exciting project on the horizon includes a mental health initiative that will bring together three employee-led committees to create a space where Maikers can focus on their well-being. 

As a member-centered organization, we’re passionate about pouring into our employees so we can pour into our community through powerful programming that amplifies the voices of both our members and Maikers. We thank Maikers like David and Tierra for putting the Maiker mission into action.

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