Condominium (condo) development in Colorado has slowed significantly over the past decade – leading to a dramatic decrease in stock of one of our state’s most affordable housing options.

“The disappearance of condominiums in Colorado embodies the state’s housing affordability challenges,” shared Maiker CEO Peter LiFari in a report he recently authored in partnership with nonpartisan research organization Common Sense Institute (CSI).
With Colorado’s thriving economy and influx of young professionals, the demand for condos and starter homes is strong in the state. But anti-growth sentiment, restrictive zoning regulations and high insurance rates have made it difficult for affordable housing developers like Maiker to deliver the solutions that Coloradans desire.
Peter joined CSI Chairman Earl White for a discussion on the Common Sense Digest Podcast to share how housing leaders can prevent further decline in condo development. He highlighted the findings of his recent report, The Decline of Condominium Construction in Colorado: Addressing Litigation Reform to Alleviate the Housing Affordability Crisis, in conversation with Ted Leighty, CEO Colorado Association of Homebuilders, and Bruce Likoff, counsel at Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner Counsel.
“If you care about stable, affordable housing for extremely low income coloradans. You care about [condo] construction litigation,” LiFari stated. “While this may seem like it’s an adjacent sector, it’s actually synergistic with our goals of housing every Coloradan regardless of income.”