– Celebrating Don May, Welcoming Peter LiFari –
Effective March 1, long-time Adams County Housing Authority director Don May retired from the organization, leaving a legacy of impactful leadership and innovation. Also effective March 1, the now Unison Housing Partners board of directors appointed Peter LiFari as the organization’s new director.
During May’s 26-plus year tenure, he helped to grow our organization from 132 units of affordable housing, to more than 2,700 units today. His vision and entrepreneurial spirit has also helped shape the organization’s culture in instrumental ways, including the founding of our nonprofit partner, Low Income Family Empowerment (LIFE) and its program the Center for Career and Community Enrichment (3CE). Since its founding in 2013, 3CE has brought together numerous government agencies, educational institutions and nonprofit partners in one location for Adams County residents to access a myriad of services that support them on their path to economic self-sufficiency and stability.
May’s visionary thinking and guidance has allowed our organization to be agile, adapting to the needs of our constituents, driving growth and fiscal stability. His leadership in the affordable housing industry is well known, and his insight and intellect have influenced policy and inspired new leaders at the state and national levels. We in the housing community are grateful for his many years of service and passionate leadership.

We are also excited for what is on the horizon for Unison under the leadership of Peter LiFari. LiFari has been with the organization since 2014, previously serving as deputy director. LiFari believes strongly in dual-generation solutions, housing equity and working across sectors to nurture innovative partnerships to address poverty. He holds an MBA from the Florida Institute of Technology and prior to his time fighting to mitigate generational poverty at ACHA, Peter spent over 12 years in support of national security working as a civilian contractor across the United States. In addition to his duties as director, LiFari will continue to serve as the senior vice president for Mountain Plains NAHRO (National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officers), and treasurer for the Early Childhood Partnership of Adams County.
As stated by LiFari, “Don’s legacy permeates our culture here at Unison, empowering our mission by reminding us no challenge is too great when you put people first in the pursuit of strengthening communities. Affordable housing development does not happen organically, it requires significant public will, grit and collaboration. The Unison team is looking forward, building upon the great work of ACHA, inspired and excited to get to work on behalf of the community we serve.”