Maiker DEI Committee: Driving Organizational Impact in Adams County and Beyond

Everyday, the Maiker team puts our mission into action. In line with our commitment to centering the ideas and strengths of our members, Maiker staff launched an initiative that leverages our team member’s unique perspectives to  amplify our individual and collective voice. This is the Maiker DEI committee. 

The DEI committee is led by co-chairs Elizabeth Aryeetey and Adam Zard. They work with 15 team members across the organization to ideate and implement initiatives that make Maiker a more diverse, inclusive and equitable workplace. Part of the DEI committee’s work is to listen to the individual and collective needs of our team to drive organizational change. As a result, the DEI committee launched Maiker’s Language Justice Program — a new initiative that compensates bilingual employees who use their skills to provide better services to Maikers.

The Language Justice Program highlights the value bilingual team members bring to the organization. Many Maiker members only speak Spanish and there are many employees who can communicate bilingually with them. This program acknowledges those who knock down language barriers, which in return helps strengthen Maiker communities. The program has had a positive reception, bringing relief, smiles and excitement to Maiker staff.

This is only one of many ways the DEI committee honors the diverse cultures that make up the fabric of the Maiker community. Co-chair Adam Zard explains that a fun aspect of having a diverse organization is organizing cultural celebrations for Maikers, such as Black History events, Day of the Dead, and more. 

The DEI committee also works to bring visibility to mental health initiatives and foster allyship for the LGBTQIA+ community through training. Elizabeth highlights that this work is also collaborative in nature. The DEI committee often collaborates with other staff-led committees, like the Wellness committee,  to implement organization-wide initiatives such as mental health awareness training. 

Bringing light to difficult subject matter and creating spaces where people can feel comfortable speaking up and having difficult conversations is the driving force behind the DEI committee. In doing so, the DEI committee’s impact is felt beyond Adams County. In May, Elizabeth and Adam presented on the importance of these conversations at the National Affordable Housing and Redevelopment National Conference and Exhibition in Vail, Colorado. 

As the DEI committee solidifies its current initiatives during their two-year term, they’re already looking ahead and asking what the big “next” is for them. Ongoing training and lunch and learns are on the radar for 2025 and a DEI audit to help identify ways they can drive policy shifts. 

Stay tuned on the latest activities of Maiker’s DEI committee by following along on our social media or in our newsletter!

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