Submit Your Vacancy Maiker Housing Partners can help you fill your current rental vacancies. If you are interested in listing your properties, please call (303) 227-2075 or submit the form below. Rental Property NameRental Property Address*What is the property address of the current vacant unit? Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Landlord Name First Last PhoneEmail Monthly Rental AmountBedroomsHow many bedrooms does this rental unit have?1234Bathrooms11.522.53Property DetailsTell us a bit about the unit.Type of UnitPlease ChooseSingle Family DetachedDuplex or Two FamilyRow House or Town HouseLow Rise: 3, 4 storiesManufactured HomeCongregateCooperativeIndependent Group ResidenceSingle RoomOccupancyShared HousingOther